Photo Art Friday ~ On Saturday

I think I might just get the last space in the gallery this week

Over at Pixel Dust Photo Art Bonnie challenged us with Connect, Connecting, Connection.

My first thought was this picture of the links of a chain, I have a few of these! I love how they are seemlessly connected together. I used a few of Bonnie’s textures, one of which is Taffeta. I like the silk fabric texture and the steel of the chain together.
The quote reminds me of my dear friend, no longer with me. I have been thinking about her a lot this week.

chain link

My next thought was the connection between a family, I couldn’t get this thought out of my mind. Although I have loads photos of family (like you all I am sure) I wanted something a little bit different. I remembered this, taken in December 2012. My son & I go to the same hair salon and in the years we have been doing so have only ever met each other there once… this day. Me in foils, how flattering, watching him in the mirror watching me in the mirror and laughing, we had the whole salon laughing.

I would like to hang this picture in the gallery please Bonnie.


It’s the weekend…I hope you are well and happy?

Photo Art Friday

Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art gave us a beautiful texture called Bamboo Dream this week.
Her optional challenge was to create a piece of art to hang in the gallery using the new texture.
I love textures with text on so I had a lot of fun with some flower pictures this week.

Bamboo Dream 7

Daffodils.Live simply

Bamboo Dream1

Bamboo Dream2

Bamboo Dream3

Bamboo Dream4

I saw this beautiful small green bronze figure of a dancing girl in a boutique recently. I have used her for one of my project 365 prompts. (she was very obliging!) she was standing against a red brick wall and I just love how it tuned Bamboo Dream pink when I played with blending modes!

I would like to hang the first picture in the gallery this week and maybe turn the rest into postcards?

It is the most beautiful morning here, pale blue skies, light fluffy clouds and wonderful sun shine. I hope it is good for you. Have a nice weekend.

Photo Art Friday

Bonnie at Pixel Dust Photo Art gave us a great challenge this week.

Make a piece of digital art using a new texture she gave us, one other of her textures and one or more of our own pictures.
Wave a bit of digital magic over them until you feel happy with what you see. For me it was like I had been let loose in a flower shop. “One of everything please”

Postcards from Brighton
Postcards from Brighton

The gallery is open for browsing right here

Photo Art Friday

Photo Art Friday

Bonnie has opened the doors of our virtual gallery. Her optional theme for this week is “hardware”.
I wanted to combine a couple of photo’s, something I find challenging but my word for this year is ‘Learn’ so practice I must.

Two photos of farm machinery placed onto one of Bonnies backgrounds. I reduced the opacity of each photo until I could see each piece individually when I concentrated. I’m not sure how it will work for you because I know the photo’s so well. I am pleased with it though.


This is the frame of one of Ben’s motorbikes hanging on the garage wall taken with my phone but I flattened the image before taking any notes of how I did it…sorry
bike frame