Photo Art Friday ~ On Saturday

I think I might just get the last space in the gallery this week

Over at Pixel Dust Photo Art Bonnie challenged us with Connect, Connecting, Connection.

My first thought was this picture of the links of a chain, I have a few of these! I love how they are seemlessly connected together. I used a few of Bonnie’s textures, one of which is Taffeta. I like the silk fabric texture and the steel of the chain together.
The quote reminds me of my dear friend, no longer with me. I have been thinking about her a lot this week.

chain link

My next thought was the connection between a family, I couldn’t get this thought out of my mind. Although I have loads photos of family (like you all I am sure) I wanted something a little bit different. I remembered this, taken in December 2012. My son & I go to the same hair salon and in the years we have been doing so have only ever met each other there once… this day. Me in foils, how flattering, watching him in the mirror watching me in the mirror and laughing, we had the whole salon laughing.

I would like to hang this picture in the gallery please Bonnie.


It’s the weekend…I hope you are well and happy?

12 thoughts on “Photo Art Friday ~ On Saturday

  1. I really like how your chain blends well with textures and colours together. It is a great image. I agree with you that family is always important… and a great source of natural humour. Andy

  2. both of these are wonderful submissions for the PAF challenge but in completely different ‘moods’.
    love the chain image and you did a great job of blending within it as well as an awesome placement with the perfect quote.
    the other one is just plain fun~!!~


  3. Your top image is very gently touching – and would make a superb card (might you, I often think that about your work). That’s a great and very clever snap in the second one and perfect for your theme :).

  4. Great images! I love the texture on the first one, and the second one made me laugh out loud!
    (Thank you for your comments on my blog. I’m glad to have reconnected to your blog, too!)

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