A Simple Moment


February 18th 2013
My Mac tells me it is 22.39

The house is warm and quiet except for the sound of my clock ticking and my Mac whirring.
Ben is in bed watching something on the iPlayer but he has his headphones on so as not to disturb me. I have just called in to say goodnight.
Paul is in his hotel in Dorset, the first of four nights away this week.
Pepsi is behind me on her princess bed, she hasn’t moved all day. I think she is hiding, just in case I am thinking of sending her to the kennels again.
I want to take a moment to reflect on today and the weekend.

Today was the first day of a new phase in my life and my head has been buzzing, full of ideas and plans and hopes and dreams. Of course I enjoyed my day but it felt as though I was hovering, not knowing where I should be or what I should do.
Ben helped “Just chill mum” Paul helped “Just rest darling, cuddle Pepsi all day long if that makes you happy”

This morning I was able to help Paul with something instead of apologising that I couldn’t and running out to work. It felt good.
I was able to help him later in the day; he needed something from his computer at home. It felt good.
I had me time, I chilled a bit and rested a bit but obviously not enough because and I am tired now but not stressed. And that feels very good.

Time to think about the weekend before I call it a day.
We had a wonderful time, I was thoroughly spoilt.
The hotel was beautiful, comfortable and luxurious. It was built in 1817 and has just had a major re-furbishment in the boutique style. The staff perfectly attentive; and the food just fabulous and as pretty as a picture.
We walked in the grounds: the snowdrops glistened in the sun beneath the huge, ancient trees looking wonderful without their leaves.
The weather was perfect, low lying mist in the morning giving promise of a bright day. It was cold but the skies were blue and the sun shone for us. In the evenings we had clear and still starlit skies. The plough was so close it felt as though if you stretched enough you just might touch one of her stars.
We had time to walk; I had time to photograph some landscapes.
We had afternoon tea by the fire in the library.
Ben joined us for late night drinks by a huge open fire on Saturday evening and a birthday breakfast on Sunday morning. We were thrilled that he was part of our celebration.
We had a simply perfect weekend.

Thank you Alexa for this Simple Moment

7 thoughts on “A Simple Moment

  1. Sounds like a beautiful weekend. Don’t worry, you’ll get used to this “retirement” thing pretty quickly—once you get past that feeling that you are supposed to be somewhere or missing an appointment. I’d say it took me about a month to realize that my time was truly my own. Time is like I always say about closets: No matter how many you have you always fill them up. With time, no matter how much you have you will always fill it up. I seem to be far busier now!!

  2. I LOVE nature and trees I am always looking at them and hoping to see something unique or just the way they grow ( all the twisting and turns of the branches).. Love your photo image..

  3. Many congratulations, Miriam, on your retirement and what a wonderful way to start with such a perfect weekend! I hope the stress of coping so many others will have left by now, and that being in your own space will become revitalising and energising. Your beautifully written moment just captures so much … Thank-you so much for joining again, and wi all those skills you have with words and photos, it will be exciting to see how your life evolves. Thinking of you :).

  4. A wonderful post, a time of adjustment and you know that the universe hates a vaccum, so new things will appear for you! Enjoy and give Pepsi a cuddle from Izzy and me x 🙂

  5. Hoping you soon settle into your new way of life, Miriam…it sounds as though you had a lovely weekend to start it all off!
    Alison xx

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