This week at Pixel Dust Photo Art Bonnie challenged us to use graffiti in our art work. I thought I might write something outrageous on my wall but when push came to shove I wasn’t moved to. I expect when the challenge isn’t there to play with I will want too…contrary me.
I have been taking a few pictures of graffiti lately, they were in my library, quietly waiting for the day they would be the very pictures I would need.
Right near my home is an underpass that goes from the school to the shopping precinct. At one time it was preferable to be at the mercy of the traffic on top of the pass rather than use it. Now it has been painted with wonderful graffiti by the local school children. It is beautifully lit and safer for us all to use. (and photograph!)
I spent a rainy afternoon playing, here is my contribution to the gallery this week. Not graffiti by my own hand but graffiti I have seen and played with in photoshop.
This is my favourite piece this week and the one I would like to hang in the gallery please Bonnie.
And I did this just to see if I could write on the wall. I wasn’t going to post it but I saw that Bonnie had written the exact phrase on her wall, I sent it to her first earlier in the week.
I can’t wait to visit the virtual gallery this week to see the writing on the walls.