Photo Art Friday

…on a cold rainy Saturday afternoon with some time to myself.
Bonnie, at Pixel Dust Photo Art has an optional challenge each week. This time it is Portrait.

There are many definitions of Portrait. Should Portraits be posed or candid? Should they be in a studio? One definition suggests that Portraits are works of art that record the likenesses of humans or animals that are alive or have been alive. Another suggests Portraits are a representation or impression of someone or something.

At the end of my research I just did my own thing and played and Bonnie did say there will be no portrait police in the gallery this week.


Giraffe skin pattern

Lioness b&w


Portrait 1


Tiger close

All animals were definitely alive when I left them…

I think I will get the last space on the wall of the gallery this week.
I feel so indecisive now, which one should I hang?

Hope you have a ‘Happy St. Patricks Day’ tomorrow if that’s where your heart lies, if not, just have a really lovely Sunday.

9 thoughts on “Photo Art Friday

  1. These are all fabulous. I can see why you had a hard time chosing which one to hang in the gallery. I like the different perspective’s you used for the photos. My favorite is the last one of the Tiger’s, I adore cats of any size.

  2. Some great animal portraits here, Miriam! I especially like the ones where the giraffe is the subject!! Love that pretty abstract that you snuck(?) into the middle of your post too.

  3. Hehe – I ‘beat’ you to the last spot… 😉
    Wonderful portraits! And I love the way you ponder the concept; to me, most photography is taking portraits, in the sense that I’m always striving to portray an essence beyond the view, so to speak… and I think you do that beautifully here!

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