Simply a Moment

Alexa hosts such a wonderful meme, just a few minutes every month, about this time, to record ‘A Simple Moment’. Stop what you’re doing, be conscious of your thoughts and then write.

17th March 2013 St. Patricks Evening

It’s been a busy day but now I have ½ hour before I go to turn the meat in the oven and continue preparing our evening meal. I want to record my thoughts right now.

My sewing machine is the only thing on my desk apart from my keyboard and mouse. I have been busy with a project over the last couple of days and have really enjoyed stitching again.
My desk is so tidy, it was a necessity rather than the norm. I needed some more electrical sockets and Paul has put them in for me this afternoon. I had to clear the desk to move it, I really like it tidy, but it won’t last.
I can hear Pepsi shaking her self to bits; she will be here in a moment. She was hiding from the sound of the drill and then the vacuum cleaner.
The daylight is fading, it has been the most glorious day here, I hear it is snowing elsewhere.
Paul is watching the television downstairs relishing the peace I imagine. He is tired, he has been working away for a few weeks now and it drains him.
We have Lotta here but she and Ben have gone to cuddle a new baby, their friend has just had a beautiful boy. I have seen pictures, he was the same weight as Ben. Oh so many memories came flooding back. Ben loves to hear the stories. You know, for a young man so very wise he had me laughing with his daft questions about the baby. We are still teasing him about the apparent weight of the child: 12 Kilos Ben volunteered, pleased that he remembered to ask. “Babies are born in lbs and ounces, always have been and always will be” was my reply which made us laugh some more. Today I learnt that babies in Finland are born in grams!

Just now I can hear the black bird calling. It is a very clean and shiny blackbird, I watched him having the most wonderful bath this afternoon.
Oh the quiet is bliss to my head just now.
I will let you into a little secret, promise not to tell?

Last evening we all went out to dinner at our favourite restaurant, which, as it happens has lost that status due to a new chef with a heavy hand in the salt tub! He came out and apologised but I didn’t quiet believe what he told me…anyway that’s not the secret.
After our meal we went next door to the pub and had after dinner liqueurs, we put some money in the jukebox and had another drink and began to sing. Ben and Paul have very similar taste in music and it makes for a lot of singing together! We decided on just one more lot of money in the jukebox and yes, another drink.
At closing time we called a taxi & went home and, you guessed it, we thought it would be nice to listen to some music and have another drink.
We danced and sang and laughed until the small hours.
We laughed and danced and sang and laughed some more.
Ben & I danced as if no one was watching, and we sang as if no one was listening.

I have no idea why this night happened but I am so glad it did. The laughing has lifted us all, yes we are all hung over and I ache! But, no one knows do they? Don’t forget, you promised not to tell…

Thank you Alexa for hosting Simply A Moment.

Simple things

11 thoughts on “Simply a Moment

  1. A richly textured moment, Miriam, full of many delicious things for you and others too. I love your simple photo – it says something of how your desk might look, with that clean uncluttered look :). Your moment sounds contented, and I promise not to tell! So glad that these weeks in your new stage of life are revealing their blessings. Thank-you very much for joining in and linking up this month – it’s been a warm pleasure to read!

  2. Your “moments” were wonderful! I thoroughly enjoyed reliving them! isn’t it great to sit at the sewing machine and just stitch away?


  3. It sounds like you had the perfect moment. It’s so nice when things just happen. Hope you don’t ache for too long :0)

  4. So enjoyed reading your moment. It is good to let your hair down once in a while. How happy you all sound dancing away. It’s a beautiful photograph and sentiment you have used to add to the moment.

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