Photo Art Friday

Bonnie’s challenge this week was to Create a piece of abstract art using only pdpa textures.

I couldn’t wait to have a go at this. I spent a happy morning layering some textures that I particulaly like waiting to see something I liked the look of…and here it is.

Just textures.2

Something new for me, I hope you like it.

If you fancy a wander around a digital art gallery this weekend, have a look at this one.

18 thoughts on “Photo Art Friday

  1. oh yes I like it. The trying things until I like something is my favourite part of digi creating – and such a good feeling when something you like appears

  2. I am with you — new challenge for me too — but can I say that your photo image art does NOT show that — it’s so very lovely and colors just right along with the texture.. awesome..

  3. Your picture is telling me a story … not the same story that you probably see because it is, after all in the eyes of the beholder. But, to me, if a piece of art can speak to me, than it is successful … as well as being beautiful, in this case. Nice job Miriam.

    Andrea @ From The Sol

  4. oh my, Miriam, this is just stunning and so clever, too. you have such a curious eye and a way of sharing that with us that makes me pause in a wide-eyed WOWIE-ZOWIE-ZOCKS sort of way.

    love this!!!

  5. Wow – this is great! It has kind of an Asian-painting feel to me. I love it.

    And thank you for your comment on my Ripped and Stitched book. How funny that you’re just starting that class, too!. Hope you have as much fun making your book as I did!

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