Winter Scavenger Hunt

On December 1st 2015 Joy and Eileen set a challenge to find and photograph 21 items for their annual Winter Scavenger Hunt. I have loved it and have completed the challenge finding all the items on this list. I have put them into a slide show for you.
Apologies for not spending an afternoon having tea with you. I left it rather late thinking that it would be easy! As is sometimes the case it just didn’t pan out so afternoon tea with the husband at home was in order yesterday. Phew! just scrapped in.

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Thank you Joy and Eileen it was so much fun

Winter Scavenger Hunt

I have some more items for the lovely Winter Scavenger Hunt to share with you. The Scavenger Hunt is organised by Joy and Eileen.

Item 11 Favourite Dessert
My favourite place to eat, here in Weston, is YoGi’s the Japanese restaurant. I love going for an evening or for lunch and on a Sunday they have a buffet, I love that too. Anyway, February was my birthday month so I went twice! This is the dessert I always choose, it is so fabulous it is essential to leave sufficient room for it even though it is as light as a feather.
11 Dessert

Item 18 An arrow
I searched high and low for ‘the perfect arrow’! I like this (these). We have lots of new signs in and around the town and I rather like them. I like the colour scheme as well as the fonts used. So, this is my arrow.
WSH-18-Arrow (1)

Item 17 A ladder
Marsha at Coolquilting has absolutely wonderful ladders on her blog, Well worth a look at. I’ve gone for something plain and understated! I spotted this on a railway station.
Item 17 A ladder

item 19 A fountain
This is new, I think it will be so pretty when it is working. Actually, I’m a little concerned now. The Scavenger Hunt list didn’t specify a working fountain did it?
Item 19 A fountain

Item 15 Candle light
This was the first picture I took for the Scavenger Hunt and I took it on the 1st December 2015. It seems so long ago doesn’t it? By the time you see this it will be March 2016. Eeek…
Item 15 Candle light Posted

Item 13 Street art I found this on the underpass that runs from our local school to the shops. There are two underpasses that allow the children to cross the main roads safely. Do they use them? no, they don’t. They much prefer to scare the car drivers by stepping into, then sauntering across the busy road!

Just one left to find…Afternoon tea!

Thank you Joy and Eileen

Winter Scavenger Hunt

I have some more items for the lovely scavenger hunt to share with you. the winter Scavenger Hunt is organised by Joy and Eileen.

I have one item yet to find.

Item 1 A robin. At last, thanks to the purchase of some mealworms I managed to catch him.
Item 1 The Robin

Item 7 Berries and/or nuts. I took this back in December. Its the Rowan in my front garden.
Item 7 Berries and/or nuts

Item 8 A wreath. When we were in Greenwich in December a wreath was on my list of items to look out for. This was my favourite one.
Item 8 A wreath

Item 9 A tree that has lost all its leaves It’s lovely to be reminded, looking at this picture, of the fabulous autumn we had.
Item 9 A tree that has lost all its leaves

Item 12 A fancy button. I spent a pleasant half hour rooting through my button box but couldn’t find what I was looking for. Lotta said these were all fancy!
item 12

Item 16 A chimney. I spent days looking for ‘the perfect chimney’ for the hunt. It caused an enormous amount of huffing from the hubs. “what’s wrong with that one?, or that one?, or that one?’ he kept saying. I ignored him and choose these as soon as I saw them. I liked these because I didn’t notice them at first! I mean how could I not? They are so tall and belong to the Greenwich power station. You can also see the O2 arena, tall cranes and buildings. The whole thing just appealed to me.

Item 16 A chimney

Thanks to Eileen & Joy for doing a great job again.

Memorandum Monday and Winter Scavenger Hunt

I have more items for the Winter Scavenger Hunt by Joy and Eileen to show you. There is a link up at Eileen’s blog today.

Item 6 A puddle
Im sorry to say it has not been difficult to find a puddle around here lately!

Item 6 A puddle

Item 5 A snowman
I love the little face on this snowman

Item 5 A snowman

Item 4 A star

I saw this star from the top of a bus by the houses of parliament I thought the whole thing would be lit but no, but I do like it.

Item 4 A star

Item 3 Outside lighting

This was one of so many beautifully lit trees around Canary Wharf in London just before Christmas. It was magical
Item 3 Outside lighting

Memorandum Monday:

I have daffodils in the house, my first this year.


Paul asked me what the difference between a daffodil and a narcissus was and as I was telling him I thought “this isn’t right” so I stopped speaking and looked it up. For someone who loves to know and use the botanical name for plants I was shocked!
Narcissus is actually the botanical name for all daffodils. The type most often sold under the name “narcissus” is actually a different species, Paperwhite Narcissus, which is a smaller plant with smaller, white flowers. Blimey! Oh! and jonquils are Narcissus too. Thank goodness for Sian at High in the sky. I’ve written it down, its gone from head to hand to paper (well electronic paper) that way it will stick.
Waving to you on a bright Monday 1st February afternoon. Hope you have a good week

Winter Scavenger Hunt

Joy and Eileen have organised another great Winter Scavenger Hunt this year and I’m doing quite well with it.

Item 21 My Own Handwriting

I liked doing this, I did it on the second day of December after reading the prompt list for the first time. I wrote about the prompts and the ease and fun with which I was going to get Item 14 Afternoon Tea. Ha! How wrong can a Scavenger Hunter be?

Item 21 Handwriting

Item 20 Cutlery

This is my favourite of the numerous pictures of cutlery I have. I even asked on an antique stall if I could take a picture of a rather nice canteen of cutlery that I had no intention of buying. The guy was just thrilled that I bothered to ask! Anyway we had a really nice lunch at Jamies and I loved the napkins!

Item 20 Cutlery

Item 2 Tinsel

I don’t like tinsel but I keep this little bit for Ben. He loves to aggravate me by putting it in inappropriate (you don’t want to know) places. I do like the festive colour though.

Item 2 Tinsel

Item 15 Candlelight

The first day of December and the day we lit our advent candle. I so love the tradition of lighting the candle each evening after our meal, it feels like a quiet end to a busy day of Christmas prep. We also love the ritual of seeing how many days we forget to light it. I write in my December journal whether we have or not. This year we were really bad at remembering and of course we just had to sit up and have yet another drink on Christmas Eve to get the candle down!

Item 15 Candle light


Item 10 A Windy Day

I was literally nearly blown away trying to take this set of pictures! I have a few mediocre attempts at depicting a windy day but I loved the idea of this. We were in London at Canary Wharf, it was really windy so we had gone inside a building to catch our collective breath(s?) and looking out to the street noticed this sign being blown almost to the floor. I couldn’t resist could I?

item 10 Windy Day

Thank you Joy and Eileen
More next week. Thanks for looking. How are you doing with the Scavenger Hunt?