Winter Scavenger Hunt

I have some more items for the lovely Winter Scavenger Hunt to share with you. The Scavenger Hunt is organised by Joy and Eileen.

Item 11 Favourite Dessert
My favourite place to eat, here in Weston, is YoGi’s the Japanese restaurant. I love going for an evening or for lunch and on a Sunday they have a buffet, I love that too. Anyway, February was my birthday month so I went twice! This is the dessert I always choose, it is so fabulous it is essential to leave sufficient room for it even though it is as light as a feather.
11 Dessert

Item 18 An arrow
I searched high and low for ‘the perfect arrow’! I like this (these). We have lots of new signs in and around the town and I rather like them. I like the colour scheme as well as the fonts used. So, this is my arrow.
WSH-18-Arrow (1)

Item 17 A ladder
Marsha at Coolquilting has absolutely wonderful ladders on her blog, Well worth a look at. I’ve gone for something plain and understated! I spotted this on a railway station.
Item 17 A ladder

item 19 A fountain
This is new, I think it will be so pretty when it is working. Actually, I’m a little concerned now. The Scavenger Hunt list didn’t specify a working fountain did it?
Item 19 A fountain

Item 15 Candle light
This was the first picture I took for the Scavenger Hunt and I took it on the 1st December 2015. It seems so long ago doesn’t it? By the time you see this it will be March 2016. Eeek…
Item 15 Candle light Posted

Item 13 Street art I found this on the underpass that runs from our local school to the shops. There are two underpasses that allow the children to cross the main roads safely. Do they use them? no, they don’t. They much prefer to scare the car drivers by stepping into, then sauntering across the busy road!

Just one left to find…Afternoon tea!

Thank you Joy and Eileen

8 thoughts on “Winter Scavenger Hunt

  1. You have a lovely collection here. Mind you, that mouse is so scary, I am not sure I’d be using the underpass either! That font scores high on my clean and simple scale. And what fun you could have finding your last item :).

  2. The street art is simply adorable! Seeing all your shots makes me wish I had played along with this hunt… my camera has been sorely neglected lately.

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