Winter Scavenger Hunt

On December 1st 2015 Joy and Eileen set a challenge to find and photograph 21 items for their annual Winter Scavenger Hunt. I have loved it and have completed the challenge finding all the items on this list. I have put them into a slide show for you.
Apologies for not spending an afternoon having tea with you. I left it rather late thinking that it would be easy! As is sometimes the case it just didn’t pan out so afternoon tea with the husband at home was in order yesterday. Phew! just scrapped in.

[slideshow_deploy id=’13931′]

Thank you Joy and Eileen it was so much fun

7 thoughts on “Winter Scavenger Hunt

  1. Thanks for visiting my entries for the scavenger hunt 🙂 I really enjoyed your windy day one; that had to be hard to perhaps catch it at the right moment for the sign to be leaning like that! Very nice afternoon tea one too! I just found out this past weekend that one of our local restaurants does an afternoon tea the last Sunday of the month. If I had known that sooner, I would have participated in that to take pictures of it 🙂 I like how you did like a slide show of the pictures, very nicely done!


  2. You are very clever, Miriam – I like the slideshow very much. What a delicious afternoon tea – could grace a magazine spread. And a most unusual wreath. Your bird photography is wonderful as always, so your robin has my heart :).

  3. These are as always all lovely. Sorry we didn’t get out for an afternoon tea which would have solved your final problem but you managed well without!

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