Photo Art Friday

Over at Pixel Dust Photo Art Bonnies challenge this week was to come up with a seven word phrase describing your process as an artist with an accompanying piece of photo art.
Very different and very challenging for me.

It has been a slow and tentative journey and I have felt very timid about showing my pictures on a Digital Art meme but Bonnie’s Photo Art Friday community is so encouraging and supportive… I love it!

I was thinking along the lines of travelling, and sunlight, dark and light. Travelling along a road towards sunlight? My words for this year are create and contentment. I think that my phrase kind of sums up my creative endeavours so far.

This is what I came up with.

It is two images, two of Bonnie’s textures and tweaking with levels and curves adjustment layers.

It will be interesting to see what others come up with this week over at Photo Art Friday

17 thoughts on “Photo Art Friday

  1. Miriam, your image is so eyecatching – I can’t seem to draw away from it, well done! I have no clue how you have achieved this look, but, it’s fantastic!

  2. This is fantastic!! I love it. I will have to experiment with some of my photos a bit more. I love your words…I am just beginning to accept myself as an artist rather than a photographer….working in my art journal has helped this along quite a bit. Again, wonderful work here!!!

  3. What a beautiful image you’ve created here! The bright sun peeking through the trees into the dark foreground just radiates—enlivening the words so well. I am impressed…

  4. I’ve just been looking at Helena’s and saying ‘Wow’ – then I click over to your blog and I’m awestruck again! This is *amazing* 🙂

  5. I always respond on a deep level to images of roads and this image you have created is fabulous!!! Your sentence works so well with it. Thank you so much for sharing your work with us all at Photo Art Friday, Miriam.

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