Self Love, Self Doubt and an Irrational fear

I was reading Paige Balcer’s, post Self Love. She talks about self doubt and comparison. I understand where she is coming from! It is an interesting blog post.

Theodore Roosevelt said that comparison is the thief of joy. How wise. I have that quote on my desk. I am moving it closer to my eyes!

Paige’s challenge then;
“So I encourage you to share a photo that makes you proud & happy. Forget about the technical aspects or how it compares to other people’s photos, but do tell why you love it”.

This photo of an owl butterfly reminds me of a fabulous day out arranged especially for me & my camera. I wanted to take pictures of something other than flowers just for a day. My husband took me to the zoo.
Although I think butterflys and birds are fascinating and very beautiful I have an irrational fear of them anywhere near me, but I wanted some pictures. I had to leave the butterfly house, in tears, after only a few shots. I was amazed to have anything at all. So although I have issues with ‘feeling proud’ the picture does make me feel happy when I look at it.

Do you have an irrational fear?

I am joining in with Shutter Sisters September prompts, posting here if you would like to see days 1 – 9. I got a bit over enthusiastic with ‘Reflections’.

6 thoughts on “Self Love, Self Doubt and an Irrational fear

  1. I share your fear…I hate anything fluttering near me- so am very impressed you went inside the Butterfly House at all..great picture!
    Alison xx

  2. I’ve never read that quote, but I’m adding it to my collection. My greatest fear is of heights. That butterfly photo is great—I’ve never heard of an owl butterfly. Good for you that you conquered your fear long enough to capture it.

  3. Funnily enough, I have a fear of fluttering things round me too. So I’m another one admiring your trip to the butterfly house! It’s a beautiful picture

  4. Fabulous photo Miriam. Wasps are the one thing that can send me into a tizz, just the sound of them anywhere near. I had swear they make a beeline for me!!! Lol xx

  5. That’s a stunning photo, Miriam, so sharp and clear… and especially stunning when just being near them is so traumatic for you. Myself, I feel a bit edgy around balloons – I hate the adrenaline rush I get when they pop suddenly!

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