Self Love, Self Doubt and an Irrational fear

I was reading Paige Balcer’s, post Self Love. She talks about self doubt and comparison. I understand where she is coming from! It is an interesting blog post.

Theodore Roosevelt said that comparison is the thief of joy. How wise. I have that quote on my desk. I am moving it closer to my eyes!

Paige’s challenge then;
“So I encourage you to share a photo that makes you proud & happy. Forget about the technical aspects or how it compares to other people’s photos, but do tell why you love it”.

This photo of an owl butterfly reminds me of a fabulous day out arranged especially for me & my camera. I wanted to take pictures of something other than flowers just for a day. My husband took me to the zoo.
Although I think butterflys and birds are fascinating and very beautiful I have an irrational fear of them anywhere near me, but I wanted some pictures. I had to leave the butterfly house, in tears, after only a few shots. I was amazed to have anything at all. So although I have issues with ‘feeling proud’ the picture does make me feel happy when I look at it.

Do you have an irrational fear?

I am joining in with Shutter Sisters September prompts, posting here if you would like to see days 1 – 9. I got a bit over enthusiastic with ‘Reflections’.