Journal Your Christmas 26th – 29th

I am hopeless at New Year resolutions and over the past few years have much preferred to choose a word which I generally think a lot about for at least a few months. I am still thinking about my word for 2012, anyway I am definitely making one new resolution this time.
I am going to stop mentioning the time passing as in, gosh where did that week, month, year go?
The time seems to be going quicker and quicker, racing out of control, which is something to do with ageing I am reliably informed. Anyway the last time I mentioned it was the last time…promise.
I have my pages 26th to 29th to share with you today.

Do you make a New Years resolution?

1 thought on “Journal Your Christmas 26th – 29th

  1. LOL!!! I once asked Tracy’s grandmother who was in her 90’s if time slowed down. She was in an assisted living home, and it seemed to me that not much was happening there. She said, “Oh, no! Time flies by faster and faster every year!”

    I don’t make New Year’s resolutions, but I always start the year with some intentions, and find they are very helpful in keeping me focused. At least for most of the year.

    More lovely photographs, showcased in lovely layouts!

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