12 thoughts on “Story Telling Sunday

  1. I have the same problems coming up with a story, so I’ve always passed on it although I do love reading others’ stories. Maybe I’ll get inspired yet. I like the words you chose, and they do go together nicely. I’m waiting until Tuesday for a photo op to blog about mine.

  2. Miriam, the word birds are absolutely beautiful! And look – the birds have their story, but you also created another one about you creating and you train of thought. I love that! (and so will D – I’ll be sure to get him to drop by later on!)

    Thank you for perservering and for your determination to join in again this year Miriam. Happy New Year!

  3. This is a wonderful story. We all have moments of uncertainty and Sian’s ‘Uncle Dave’ is so right to tell us to just write it down. Look what a brilliant page you made. I love your birds and the two little words and look forward to seeing where they take you this year.
    Happy New Year!

  4. I love your word birds …. :), and am intrigued to know that you are a Cloth papers Scissors reader. Creating contentment sounds a wonderful aim for the year… I have also made my mind up this year and am thinking through the many ways I might explore it further. Looking forward to seeing how it all unfolds for you :).

  5. Great words and great birds! I’m a newbie too and found it strange that I was hesitant as I tell stories in posts about scrapping but found this daunting for some reason

  6. Miriam – I enjoyed your story 🙂 I don’t always feel I have a story to share, but with the new format for this year, I think I will find it easier 🙂 Uncle Dave does have it right! Love your choice of words and look forward to seeing what you do with them 🙂

  7. Love the word birds and the way they helped you decide on your One Little Word[s] for the year! Are you participating in the OLW class at BPC? It’s a great way to bring your word[s] to life!

  8. Love the birds and your choice of words is great – I’m still struggling deciding what mine will be and it’s already the 3rd. 🙂 Happy New Year.

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