Journal Your Christmas 21st – 25th

I have had some days off work this week and it has been fabulous enjoying some quiet time. I have been thinking about some projects for the New Year, but I like to finish the current ones first otherwise I feel overwhelmed & then I give up! I decided to try to continue with JYC until 6th, I have some pages to share today.
Apart from the photo for today and tomorrow I finished my final weekly layout for my project 365, I am so behind with posting them though. I’ll spare your eyes & post them another time.
I have signed up for Miss Smiths fundraising project and have a Kirsty Wiseman project waiting to begin and of course Sian ‘s Story Telling Sunday is this week end.
It’s a good thing I had a rest then!

2 thoughts on “Journal Your Christmas 21st – 25th

  1. I have enjoyed every one of your pages this year Miriam; and I hope that you have had a good break and are ready for the whole new creative year ahead!

  2. More lovely pages, and yes, it’s a good thing you had a rest! I’m trying to keep the list as short as possible for another week or two. Just JYC and some cards for birthdays and anniversaries coming up.

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