Five for the Future

It’s another Amy ‘scrapping in the moment’ challenge.
Photograph five things that probably won’t be here in five years time.

My printer
It is technology so it will be outdated within 5 years, surely?

My phone
I am expecting to update within five years but the truth might be different, we will see, only because I’ve done this challenge!

My pretty new bag.
This is ‘The One’, this is my forever (summer) bag. Haha watch this space.

My work filofax.
Oh if this is still needed in five years I will be terribly unhappy.

My boys shoe collection.
This is a tiny part of his shoe collection. (He takes after me)
The reason for this picture is that I hope in five years time he will have a place of his own. I would of course really love him to be still with me but that’s not how I brought him up. I brought him up to be independent. He needs to build his own life, that’s the right way. So when I’ve dried my tears I will be happy that his shoe collection is housed in his own place. Let them go, they will always return. (children, not shoes!)

Oh, and I did a layout. Thank you Amy!

LO based on KPertiet_TemplateInspiration13011

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