Texture Tuesday

My local florist had these beautiful cornflowers in this week. I bought a bunch of them and a plant so next year I might have my own.
Kim Klassen’s texture challenge is Garden, how lovely is that? There will be wonderful textures here this week that’s for sure!


This has two layers of Kim’s Stained Linen texture. The first layer is at soft light blend mode, the second at normal blend mode with opacity set to fifty percent and the big round soft brush over the stems and flowers.

Philadelphus heavy with rain

This has one layer of Not Too Shabby texture at normal blend mode and opacity set to 50% and February Magic edges and the big round soft brush over the blossom.

Alchemilla Mollis looking wonderful in the rain this morning

This has two layers of Golden texture both set at soft light. I set the second layer slightly smaller than the first to give my picture a frame. I used the big soft round brush over the whole area.

This Iris is so pretty but it grows against a grey stone wall and never photographs well, but then I discovered textures!

This has February Magic edges, one layer of Plaster 2 at soft light blend mode. I brushed the big round soft brush over the flower. I used a tiny part of an overlay and reduced the opacity down to 75% but once again I don’t know where I got the overlay from, it was long before I really knew how to use them. If anyone knows let me know? I have a much better labelling system in place now!

So that’s a little look in my garden on a wet bank holiday Monday. And of course a link to the wonderful Kim Klassen and her Texture Tuesday

10 thoughts on “Texture Tuesday

  1. All lovely! I love what textures can do to annoying backgrounds! How clever to make a frame by making a layer of the texture smaller–great idea! My favorite is the very first shot! Beautiful!

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