Scavenger Hunt Sunday 29th May

Sunday already! where has this week gone? I kept putting this challenge off because it had the dreaded ‘self portrait’ in the list.

This weeks challenge:

• Classic Still Life
• Self-Portrait
• On the Floor
• Lines
• Fresh

Still Life


Self Portrait
I had one of my brainwaves this morning. How about a silhouette or reflection, kind of me but not all of me?


On the floor
I took a look into my sons room this morning…Oh so many things to photograph!


I wouldn’t have given this stairway a second glance had I not been thinking about Scavenger Hunt!

I saw a juice bar in the week but didn’t have my camera with me so when I got home I thought I’d give this a try. It has an overlay on but I can’t remember where I got it from. It is called Enchanted no. 3. if anyone knows where it comes from please let me know?

I am linking to Scavenger Hunt Sunday, there are some fabulous interpretations of the list over here.

12 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt Sunday 29th May

  1. Love your self portrait! Very creative composition! I hate to think what’s on the floor of my boys’ rooms which reminds me they need to clean them up real good now that school’s out! Really great fresh photo! Love the overlay. Great job with the prompts!

  2. Terrific set! My favorites are the fresh and the stairs, but I think these are fantastic photos! Very nice job on the eggs, the lighting and colors SOOC.

    On my still life I used the artistic filter in PSE6 called rough pastels. I ran it 3 times to make it noticeable.

  3. I love the container for your eggs. Isn’t it amazing what we see because we’re looking for challenge prompts? I’m another fan of the freshly squeezed photo, and feeling a little sad since my son is now half a country away, and there’s nothing on his floor here. (He sent me photos today of his new apartment. He’s done a great job of decorating and there wasn’t much on the floor there either!)

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