
Thank you to my lovely friend Marcella, she arranged for us to meet at The Town Quarry today.
“Sounds boring, what do you want to meet her there for?” said family in unison.
“Because our town quarry is a lovely place! it has the most beautiful and photogenic rock faces, it has a blacksmith forge, it has a tea room, it has things for sale, crafty things! and today is the last day of the North Somerset Arts fortnight, there will be lovely things to look at (but not photograph) and I haven’t been able to get to any exhibits this time!”
Much more than this though is that I haven’t seen Marcella for a long time, but she is so beautiful that it didn’t matter. We walked into each others company as though it had been just a few days.
We laughed, we swapped stories, tales of children and husbands, recipes and craft stuff! we had tea and sat in the sun, we walked around to take some pictures and we looked at the exhibits and talked to some of the artists. Oh! it was so inspiring and made me want to craft again with paper and glue and even try some paint!

Marcella saw this

I saw this

This is for you Marcella

Did I write your name enough times?

People say true friends must always hold hands, but true friends don’t need to hold hands because they know the other hand will always be there.
Do you have a favourite friendship quote you could share?

4 thoughts on “Friendship

  1. I love your thinking about friends … My favourite one is “A friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and sings it back to you when you’ve forgotton how it goes.”

  2. I really enjoyed this post, it made me think of similar days I’ve enjoyed so thank you. My favourite friend quote is a little longer than the others but here it is:

    There are friends who pass like ships in the night
    Who meet for a moment then sail out of sight
    With never a backwards glance of regret
    Friends we knew briefly then quickly forget.
    Then there are friends that sail together
    Through quiet waters ans stormy weather
    Helping each other through joy and strife
    These are the friends who bring meaning to life.

    Of course my other favourite is:
    You’ll always be my friend – you know too much!

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