Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I am linking up with Scavenger Hunt Sunday again.

This weeks challenge:
• SOOC (straight out of the camera)
• Sprouting
• Isn’t it Ironic?
• Lazy
• Smells like Spring

These large purple alliums remind me of my mother. Years ago they were the stars of The Chelsea Flower Show. Mum thought that they were so beautiful they could never be grown in an ordinary garden!

Speciality Tulips. I found this part of the challenge really difficult this week. I almost posted an empty space until this popped into my mind this morning.

I thought the little crocus was never going to show, but with so much sun through the glass this week up she popped in time for SHS!

I had taken this shot early last week ready for sprouting, as I like it so much I have posted it as well.

This is from my library. As soon as I saw the challenge it popped into my mind. I had this picture as my screen saver for a long time. I still love it so here it is, lazy ole frog.

The viburnum brings the first perfume to my garden. When I catch her scent on the evening air I always think “Spring is here at last”

Have a look over here for wonderful interpretations of this weeks Scavenger Hunt Sunday.

7 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt Sunday

  1. The SOOC and your second sprouting shot are my absolute favorites, but these are all great and perfect for the hunt. Lazy frog–so funny!

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