April Currents

listening:to the sound of mowers! It is Saturday just before 10.00am bright and dry.

eating: nothing, waiting for breakfast.

drinking: a mug of tea.

wearing: a bright orange towel! I had to start this before I forgot.

feeling: happy, I had a lovely surprise last evening. Paul bought me a new lens for my camera.

weather: a real mix over the last couple of weeks. Last weekend was hot enough to sit out in the evening. Today it is overcast but warm.

wanting: to get out and play with the new lens.

thinking: about a new on line blogging class I have signed up for.

enjoying: visiting some new photography blogs.

wondering: will there ever be enough time in my day.

The last four weeks
what do we think?

at home: It’s been a better month than last. Paul has settled into the madness that is the new contract. Ben has been through a tough episode at work but we came through it intact. The rest of the family are doing great.
Ben went to stay with Lotta in Helsinki for a week and then she came here for a week. I love having her in the house. It is so nice to have tiny shoes
and girly things about the place.

at work: Just snowed under with it again. There are times when I wonder how much longer I can do the job. We made Easter Bonnets this week at the memory café, they were a great success and made up for recent tough days.

been anywhere nice this month? We went to see Chas & Dave in Cheltenham. We had such fun: it was a great concert, with people on their feet singing and dancing and having a great time.
It was the bands farewell tour, after touring for 30years!

plans? Paul & I are going to see Kate Rusby this month and we have an office night out to see ABBA Forever

favourite photo?
Pyracantha with the sunspots taken with my new lens today.

16th April 2011

1 thought on “April Currents

  1. That’s a lovely photo, Miriam! My pyracanthas suffered badly in the severe weather this winter and are looking nowhere near as vibrant as yours. Sorry to hear about work – the stress of it seems to be looming large. Glad there are a few compensations. 🙂

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