
Skywatch Friday, Season 4, Episode 40.

These are my pictures for Skywatch this week, there are beautiful skies from all over the world here, take a look if you have a moment.

This ornamental cherry is in my garden and this is the second flush of blossoms I have had this year. It is so graceful and lovely against the blue sky earlier this week.

I am looking for natural frames at the moment and this one had the sky in it!

It has taken a long time to rebuild a derelict swimming pool and cafe and turn it into apartments, a bistro, a cafe and a lovely area to walk around. It is an island, the apartments are exclusive, very expensive and apparently wonderful and but you wouldn’t catch me living there especially in the winter, we have such high tides here. I would be terrified.
What do you think about living in such a place?

7 thoughts on “Skywatch

  1. Oh, I love the blossoms! The picture of spring! That looks like a really great place and I love being near the water, but that might be just a little too close considering the storm possibilities! Terrific captures for the day! Have a lovely weekend! Happy SWF!


  2. The blossoms are so lovely. dreaming….
    I would prefer to be surrounded by a few more mature trees (acting as a windbreak!) But, it is great that it has been remade into something useful.

  3. Lovely photos, Miriam – I love the sea but respect its power too. I’d not be signing up for a beach apartment! I prefer a bit of a hill at my back and more trees …

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