Scavenger Hunt

I am linking to this challenge this week. It looks like a great way to practice my photography skills, all the participants pictures look wonderful, something to aim for! and I like the idea of something specific to photograph. It will help keep my mojo intact for project 365.

This weeks challenges

This is for “Outside”

I love how their outside shoes are nestling close to each other!

This is for “poetry”

I saw this hippo and her baby at the shopping centre this week, It made me laugh, I was thinking of all the times I have been to Cribbs Causeway, Bristol and never spotted her! I couldn’t resist using this for my first week linking here.

This is for Zoom.

I had to go to the file for this one… It is one of my favourite pictures. I was taking a photography course to get me to take the camera off auto.

This is for Isolation

I took a walk in the park yesterday and noticed this tulip all by herself in a bed of much smaller tulips that were not yet in flower. I think she is Queen of the Night. She was herself isolated but with my short depth of field I hope it is the sort of thing you were thinking of for isolation?

This is for “Time”
I saw this beautiful clock which is made of paper.

Then as I was rushing to work I saw this clock which is “made of dandelion”

If I had enough time in the mornings I wouldn’t go out and get as far as the car before I noticed I had odd socks on!

I have loved looking for the prompts this week and hope my pictures fulfil the challenge!

14 thoughts on “Scavenger Hunt

  1. I think these more than fulfill the demands of the challenge! I love the hippo (had forgotton that wonderful verse), and the tulip in particular. My DD wears odd socks as a matter of principle. 🙂

  2. LOVE your Hippo shot and fun poem!!! Your dandelion shot looks similar to one I did recently, I love how detailed the fluff balls are when you look closely at them.

  3. I had to laugh when I saw the socks. More than once I went to work with one black shoe and one navy shoe. Whenever I find a comfortable pair of shoes, I buy them in more than one color. That’s good except for the times you’re in a hurry! I love the clock and the dandelion–great captures!

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