150 Blog Posts

When I got to 50 blog posts I was amazed at how I had got ‘this far’ I always said I would never do this, how many of you have said that I wonder?
Now I noticed this morning that this post will be number 150. I would like to say “thank you” to every single one of you that have taken the time to comment on my posts. Every comment lifts my spirits and warms my heart and I never tire of telling my ever patient (html support) husband and my ever patient (mac support) son “OOhh I have had a comment on my blog!” and they, without fail, say, “Oh, that’s nice!” Yes it is nice, more than nice.

Thank you for your comments

4 thoughts on “150 Blog Posts

  1. You’re welcome. I love coming here. Especially when there’s a pretty page of hearts … How clever is that, to layer them so they curl so gently?

  2. Congratulations!! Lovely to celebrate this milestone with you 🙂 And how gorgeous is the card?! I’m totally ‘cardlifting’ this idea if that’s OK! xx

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