I Forget Things

I posted a True Story last Sunday and I completely forgot to add a link to Sian from High in the Sky.
I have no idea why it suddenly popped into my head this morning either! glad it did though.
On the first Sunday in the month Sian hosts her brilliant idea “Story Telling Sunday”. It is such fun to do and even more fun to read all the wonderful stories that link to her.
A thousand apologies to Sian, go visit her here.
The next link up will be Sunday 1st May 2011, hope to read a story from you there/here

What sort of thing (that you can admit to!) do you forget?

5 thoughts on “I Forget Things

  1. oh dear, it would be an embarrassingly long list Miriam! Most days its going upstairs and not remembering why, forgetting people’s names when I am introducing them to someone else (hate that), oh dear I could go on …. I blame my age, LOL!

  2. I certainly don’t have the memory I used to have either! But I’m still here so I know I must have something I want to say – yes! Thank you for the lovely mention and the participation too. It’s always a pleasure to see your name on the list.

  3. Birthdays, shopping lists, turning off lights, where I put the car keys, recharging my mobile phone, when Easter is … how long have you got? 🙂

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