
Skywatch Friday, Season 4, Episode 39.

Not a bad place to park?

This was the view from my parking space today. The beautiful sky and the sunshine were a perfect start to work this morning. Some days are definitely better than others. Do you agree? What makes a good start to your day?

5 thoughts on “Skywatch

  1. Hi Miriam – I have just popped onto my blog to compose a post and found all your lovely comments. Thank you for taking the time to read my blog – I’m still finding my feet with it but enjoying it. Oh and I would love to be able to see the sea every morning but not possibel from deepest berkshire!!

  2. That is a gorgeous car parking spot! 🙂
    I actually love my walk each work day from my car park to work. Melbourne is never more beautiful than first thing in the morning, before everyone gets there and messes it all up, LOL! That and my first cup of coffee for the day…hmm, love it!

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