Mobile Monday

I have been playing with apps for my phone and joining in with Prairie Jill who pointed me in the direction of an app called Apps Gone Free.

This free app sends an alert to my phone every day, to a random mix of apps that are free for just one day. (sometimes more)
Apart from Waterlogue which I paid for, all my apps are free. I try them for a day or two and then if I don’t like them I just delete them…nothing lost.
One of my favourite ones is Circular. I love not knowing what the result will be.

Here’s a couple of examples

Original photo
Sand Bay 1

Edited in Circular

Original photo
Sand Bay 2

Edited in Circular

Original photo

Edited in Circular

Original photo

Edited in Glaze and multiplied in Circular

Playing with apps is very addictive…

The Circular+ app can be previewed here and costs just £1.49 from the App Store.

9 thoughts on “Mobile Monday

  1. I like all of these, but the last one is just amazing! Thanks for all the links you sent me. I’m working my way through them this morning. Loved the first site, and added it to my Feedly. đŸ™‚

  2. amazing and so much more fun for a play when there is an app to do it – hoping lots of these lovely apps will be in android too soon

  3. I love free apps, too! Unfortunately, I seem to like all of them, so I don’t end up deleting many!
    These are beautiful! I love the first one, but my favourite is the last one. Wow!!

  4. All the above comments~ my sentiments, too! Guess I’m going to try Circular, next. Love what it did with the Russian dolls…

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