Mobile Monday

I have a new phone app called PhotoFuze, it took me ages to do anything with it, I’m not sure if it was the lack of instruction or the lack of my brain power but I didn’t find it at all intuitive.
Maybe I don’t have the right pictures to blend together or I’m too serious but after a while playing, I came up with this. I really like it.

The background is a man and child walking towards the waters edge. The second layer is of the wreck of a ship. When you OK your two layers you only see the first layer on your screen, then with your finger you ‘rub through’ the first layer to reveal the second layer.

When I got the hang of which way ’round to place the images I had some fun.
Chalks first, pencils second. rub through the chalks to reveal the pencils.

Bottle & glass and a pencil sketch of a flower

Three layers here. Cloudy sky and chalks. Rub through to show the chalks and then fuse the picture. Added a blue sky with plane.

This is Beach and Sea processed with Glaze and then I added the vintage car

And a young gull with a fancy hair do.


Thanks to Prairie Jill for Mobile Monday.

Mobile Monday

On Tuesday

I have been playing with my Glaze app this week in fact I took some of these pictures with Glaze in mind. I looked yesterday and the app is free.

A bad hair day for a beautiful purple aster.

This is a slate and blue glass table top now lying on it’s side.

A bag of muesli! I like the white and the shapes made by the words.

Wahol-esq, not my favourite but I thought it was interesting to see. I like the white and grey

I like the white space in this one and the shapes made by some Dill flowers

I really like the abstract quality of the leaf skeleton


I couldn’t resist a plate of eggs, hens and quails


Helena has some gorgeous panoramas made with an app on her android here

Thanks to Prairie Jill for Mobile Monday.

Mobile Monday

It’s a Bank Holiday here in the UK and surprise surprise it’s raining! I had a play with a new phone app called Paper Camera. Some of the effects in the app are lovely but they all have the Paper Camera logo on which you can remove by subscribing on a monthly basis. Honestly what a rip off! The app is still free though and it is fun, but I won’t up-grade.



Comnifer seeds


Teasel B&W


Gull neon


You can always play in Photoshop for a few seconds if you like.

Gull sketch

Knightstone neon

Thanks for this idea Prarie Jill

Mobile Monday

I have been playing with apps for my phone and joining in with Prairie Jill who pointed me in the direction of an app called Apps Gone Free.

This free app sends an alert to my phone every day, to a random mix of apps that are free for just one day. (sometimes more)
Apart from Waterlogue which I paid for, all my apps are free. I try them for a day or two and then if I don’t like them I just delete them…nothing lost.
One of my favourite ones is Circular. I love not knowing what the result will be.

Here’s a couple of examples

Original photo
Sand Bay 1

Edited in Circular

Original photo
Sand Bay 2

Edited in Circular

Original photo

Edited in Circular

Original photo

Edited in Glaze and multiplied in Circular

Playing with apps is very addictive…

The Circular+ app can be previewed here and costs just £1.49 from the App Store.