November 16th 2013. 15:45
It is a grey, wet, miserable afternoon outside my room but in the house it is warm and bright and there is laughter, giggling actually, the sound of happy young people together again for a few days.
Pepsi is right here behind me; she is not well. I think she has pulled a muscle in her shoulder again and she looks sad but I keep her warm with lots of cuddles and blankets and a daily dose of Paracetamol for dogs.
My desk is a big mess! Paul has been by shaking his head.
There is paper and paint, ribbons and string, hearts and pegs. Paper houses that I have decopatched are on the windowsill waiting for their varnish. New Washi tape has just rolled onto the floor. A few little Christmas trees and some Christmas decorations are hanging from anywhere that will accept a hanging thing!
There are bits of fabric, Cellotape, beads and scissors under tissue paper and my small guillotine is balanced precariously on top. I expect it will follow the Washi Tape if I don’t re-arrange… Ooops, too late.
My iPad, iPhone, and keyboard are trying to keep away from the paint, but the more I try to protect them the nearer they get to a new colour.
But, the parcel is ready, taped up and ready to post out to Heather on Monday.
I remember to take a picture of it and as I lift up my phone I notice the card for her is still on my desk…on the outside of the envelope!!!
I open the envelope, put the card inside and re seal it. It will make her smile when she sees a second row of Cellotape across the top of her parcel.
My Simple Moment is not only filled with the trappings of Christmas but also with a sense of achievement; that I have organised the swap, and I have finished the little decoration. And, a sense of anticipation… will it work? is the postal system beginning to swell with decorations flying across the world and up and down the motorways?
We shall see. I do hope so.
Thank you Alexa at Trimming the Sails for allowing me space to record My Simple, Messy Moment for November.
I just noticed that this is my five hundred and fifty fifth post…Wow!