My Simple (Messy) Moment

November 16th 2013. 15:45

It is a grey, wet, miserable afternoon outside my room but in the house it is warm and bright and there is laughter, giggling actually, the sound of happy young people together again for a few days.

Pepsi is right here behind me; she is not well. I think she has pulled a muscle in her shoulder again and she looks sad but I keep her warm with lots of cuddles and blankets and a daily dose of Paracetamol for dogs.

My desk is a big mess! Paul has been by shaking his head.

There is paper and paint, ribbons and string, hearts and pegs. Paper houses that I have decopatched are on the windowsill waiting for their varnish. New Washi tape has just rolled onto the floor. A few little Christmas trees and some Christmas decorations are hanging from anywhere that will accept a hanging thing!
There are bits of fabric, Cellotape, beads and scissors under tissue paper and my small guillotine is balanced precariously on top. I expect it will follow the Washi Tape if I don’t re-arrange… Ooops, too late.

My iPad, iPhone, and keyboard are trying to keep away from the paint, but the more I try to protect them the nearer they get to a new colour.

But, the parcel is ready, taped up and ready to post out to Heather on Monday.
I remember to take a picture of it and as I lift up my phone I notice the card for her is still on my desk…on the outside of the envelope!!!
I open the envelope, put the card inside and re seal it. It will make her smile when she sees a second row of Cellotape across the top of her parcel.

My Simple Moment is not only filled with the trappings of Christmas but also with a sense of achievement; that I have organised the swap, and I have finished the little decoration. And, a sense of anticipation… will it work? is the postal system beginning to swell with decorations flying across the world and up and down the motorways?

We shall see. I do hope so.

Thank you Alexa at Trimming the Sails for allowing me space to record My Simple, Messy Moment for November.

I just noticed that this is my five hundred and fifty fifth post…Wow!


16 thoughts on “My Simple (Messy) Moment

  1. I am feeling the sense of excitement and achievement from here! It sounds wonderfully creative over at your place, Miriam … Hoping Pepsi is better soon too. Thank you so very much for linking up today with such a bright moment :).

  2. A lovely moment, Miriam, and congratulations on 555 postings (5 is my favourite number, my birthday is 5/5/****. Thanks also for your email reminder, I shall be posting my decoration tomorrow.
    Joy x x

  3. Happy 555th!

    Love this post. So nice to get a peek into your workspace. And how productive you’ve been!

    My decoration is on its way to England; and I just saw Helena’s comment above saying that she had mailed something to Winnipeg. Oooh!

  4. A wonderful post! Sounds like you have been really creative and it must feel great to know that you have such a lovely swap underway! Looking forward to my swap arriving and hoping that my partner receives hers soon!

  5. It sounds as if your messy desk will eventually yield lots of fun Christmas goodies for family and friends…

    My desk is messy too, but I’m not nearly as productive as you are.

  6. A lovely moment. A messy desk is a sign of a well spent afternoon! Thank you for the work you have put into the swap! I’m sure it will work beautifully.

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