Looking Up and Down…

…in the park with my telephoto lens.

Now that I come to post this I realise I should have something to show you just how tall this pine tree is, but I forgot, I was just so amazed to see a football so high up. I hope the person who kicked it up there is playing for some team or other, he/she certainly has a fierce kick!
I also just noticed the butterfly on the right hand side of the picture.

Looking up

I was watching a family way down the hill in the park having so much fun with their football.

Looking Down

Note to self: Think about showing scale in a photo.

Thank you Helena, in Ottawa?

5 thoughts on “Looking Up and Down…

  1. Funny, I took a photo of my Christmas decoration before I sent it off and I thought the same thing to myself..I should have used a coin or something to show the scale.

    I hope the wind brings that football back down and the owner finds it again

  2. Ahhhh …. butterflies, green grass, people outside playing football. In November. Lovely! (Currently in Winnipeg: light snow flurries. Oh well!)

    Great shots. I like the way you included the football in both shots. I always especially like your looking down shots – you find such interesting views.

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