A Simple Moment

Alexa at Trimming the Sails invites us to share a moment of our lives at around this time each month.

This is mine for October 2013.

I’m sitting here stirring my cappuccino. I wish I could remember what all the different coffees are like but I can’t so I always order cappuccino. This one seems to be mostly froth that needs a lot of stirring.

The lunch was lovely: Italian and one of the best we have had over the last few months.

J is unhappy; she can’t seem to move on with her life after her husbands passing almost two years ago. I’m not judging, it is how it is. I have invited her out with me to a new lunch group next week. I hope that will give her a lift.

S the middle one, is being driven nuts by her mother. She has a trip to her son in Australia booked for Christmas but it is causing her such a lot of stress.

S the elder is just unhappy or “up and down” she says. I ask her which is more frequent? “Down” she says. My heart sinks.

S the younger is full of her woes but she is always laughing. This time she has hurt her wrist and she has had an incident with a caravan but still she laughs. She makes us all laugh.

M is the most stressed among us, with good reason, she had tears in her eyes today but still she laughs.

I had been tasked with organizing a Christmas lunch for us all but the plans I brought to the table have been scuppered! I am feeling flat.

I decided to be in this moment for Alexa’s Simply a Moment today, 16th October. I thought it would be a good time to write about. And this is it!

I have three choices:
Write as it is…really
Choose another moment
Make something up
I have decided that life isn’t always a bowl of cherries, so publish. I’ll get over it.

Thank you Alexa

Twisted tree

Twisted this way and that
Different sizes, different shapes
Together forming a pretty green canopy
Much like our lunch group

Thank you Abi One Picture Twenty Words
And Thank you Amy for inspiring me to do it this morning

P.S. I’m over it!

13 thoughts on “A Simple Moment

  1. I’m so glad you chose the real-life version for this moment. Your writing certainly shows how sensitive you are to the feelings of your friends. I hope everyone was having an “off” day and that next time you are together the mood will be a bit more cheery.

  2. Thank you for sharing a moment that wasn’t probably one of the best in your life. Glad that you have got over it now and hope that all of you are soon feeling better about life. I love the words going with your photo and how you have linked it to your ‘moment’ and lunch group 🙂

  3. oh yes I’ve been reminded recently of the downs as well as ups of freindship groups – my coffee group has split in 2 and both ‘sides’ are looking for loyalty !! Hope your Christmas lunch turns out well in the end

  4. I am touched by your honesty, Miriam, and your resilience to letting it be what it was as you moved through it. Deep empathy has a cost; so glad to hear to chirpy note at the end too :). Your beautifully put together twenty words and photo is a perfect follow-up! Thank-you so much, as always, for linking up and for sharing your moment – it is always such a pleasure to visit.

  5. I really appreciate reading about a ‘real’ in the moment moment Miriam as it so accurately portrays how diverse our friendships can be.

    I also want to say how beautiful your photography is – simply stunning!

  6. I love that you chose to tell it like it is, Miriam. It was interesting to hear a little snippet from the perspective of the people you were with.

    And I love the way you incorporated a couple of extra blog friend link up’s in the mix!

    PS: This might be a duplicate comment…my first try disappeared…

  7. I love your real moment. Your friends know that they can trust you to be empathic and non judgemental, and that’s a hard thing to do. Thank you for sharing

  8. I appreciate the chance to “lunch” with the group…and the respectful way you shared the atmosphere and their individual distractions/concerns. Just is that way some days …and that’s the way friendship sometimes is: the opportunity to just ‘be’.


  9. oh my!! In my friday lunch group with the girls there is usually one of us that is “having a moment” . To cheer one of us up recently we booked a night out for cocktails……..it worked wonders. Good luck with the Christmas lunch planning x

  10. A really interesting moment Miriam – and I like how you explained your thinking about whether or not to publish too. It speaks well of you all that, no matter how you’re all feeling, you still meet up and share those things.

    And your 20 words are just the perfect choices.

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