Five Minutes Five Pictures

Take as many photos as possible in five minutes and post five of them here..
with Sandie at Itchifingers

I went to look at the swans on Harp Lake in Barry S. Glamorgan with my brother, well he wanted to show me the water as well which this year all of a sudden turned green! Apparently the fault of some algae, the wildlife didn’t seemed bothered by it.
These swans, I counted 47, are well used to being fed by visitors, they arrive from all points of the lake, very quickly when you even think about standing still! consequently when there is nothing for them, one or two get extremely cross, biting other swans, getting out of the water and walking up behind folks perhaps to see if there is anything in back pockets!
Swans are usually so graceful, gliding very serenely along the water making it easy to take pictures, but this lot were manic! I’ve gone off them now!

I did take a few pictures with Sandies meme in mind.

September 1

September 2

September 3

September 4

September 5

Thank you Sandie

5 in 5

With Sandie at Itchifingers

Take as many photos as possible in five minutes and post five of them here..

We went to the zoo! we haven’t been for so long.
The penguins are a favourite of ours so I took loads of photos in five minutes. Here are five of my favourites.
The penguins were walking about in pairs, it was very sweet to watch them and the enclosure was incredibly smelly! Thank goodness this isn’t smell-a-blog I’m sure you would feint!
The children were all complaining very loudly, the parents were telling them to keep quiet, very loudly and the birds that live with the penguins were squawking louder that the rest put together! I was glad to leave but thrilled to be able to look at the penguins in the quiet and odour free place that is my room.






And the birds, Inca Terns, that live with the penguins.


Thank you Sandie