Project 64

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Project 64 is looking for Sea Green this week. I found this a really difficult colour to find. Everything I looked at in a hopeful way was just the wrong shade of green
I persevered and found 3 pictures this week.

This is my favourite and the one I am entering for Project 64 this week
I noticed this piece of green & yellow wire that I used on a card ages ago. I wound it into a coil to make it a little more interesting to photo

The part of the picture you can’t see is my friend Mary I said sea green immediately I saw her, she said mint! What do you think?

This flower sits on top of a jar of knitted flowers. Once I blew the dust off I thought it was a fairly good match.

Lots of Sea Green to see over here at Project 64

Scavenger Hunt Sunday 10th July

This week we have ben searching for;
Things that look like a letter of the alphabet

Things that look like a letter of the alphabet
I found this really difficult until this morning when suddenly I saw 11 things very easily. How does that happen? anyway I put them into my new collage maker.


We have had some amazing rain this week, a sound recording would have been great, instead I went for the rain on my husbands car just because I love to see it with the rain drops on. I wanted a close up of the rain drops on the canvas but I was getting so wet! It didn’t quite work but I like the result anyway.

I am really stuck on this one. This is my favourite necklace at the moment, because I can’t post an empty space!

I thought this was the sort of tangled undergrowth that the Prince had to cut his way through to get to the sleeping Princess.
I may have had a little too much sun yesterday.


Delicious and probably gone by now!

More fabulous finds over here at Ashley’s blog.

Texture Tuesday

The Number Three Edition


This week Kim Klassen has challenged us to work with the number three…and one of her lovely textures of course.
I had lots of fun with this as I remembered a long time ago I did a project called ‘Looking for three’ It might have been with Shimelle, I can’t remember. Apart from number 3 that I made with the wheat husks that were laying all over my floor because the wind blew everything off the window sil!! the pictures were taken at Bristol Zoo in July 2010.

This has the original layer set to screen mode and then a layer of Bent Edges texture set at normal with the opacity set to 50%.

Tapir has Apple Butter Texture set at soft light.

The penguins have Not Too Shabby texture, not quite to the edges to leave a frame, and set to soft light.

The bees have Canvasback texture set at soft light.

More fabulous texture work and interpretations of Three are here.

Ooops! My lizards nearly got away!

Perhaps they didn’t like Kim’s magic texture on them!

Project 64

At Project 64 we are looking for red this week.

What a great colour and it is everywhere I look, from milk bottle tops, to toy busses from Gazania to Geranium and from my new nail colour to my shoulders from sitting in the sun too long!
Here are my finds, at least the ones I think are suitable for publication!
My favourite and the one I am entering for week 26 is this tomato because that’s what everyone said I looked like after the hottest weekend we have had since I can’t remember when..

My entry for Project 64 week 26

And some other beautiful reds around me this week.
Gazania still looking fabulous in the sun.

Raspberries so sweet and luscious this year, and in my favourite blue bowl.

And a red rose for my boy because he thinks that red is the only colour a rose should be.

Have a look at some stunning finds for red over here at Project 64