Texture Tuesday

The Number Three Edition


This week Kim Klassen has challenged us to work with the number three…and one of her lovely textures of course.
I had lots of fun with this as I remembered a long time ago I did a project called ‘Looking for three’ It might have been with Shimelle, I can’t remember. Apart from number 3 that I made with the wheat husks that were laying all over my floor because the wind blew everything off the window sil!! the pictures were taken at Bristol Zoo in July 2010.

This has the original layer set to screen mode and then a layer of Bent Edges texture set at normal with the opacity set to 50%.

Tapir has Apple Butter Texture set at soft light.

The penguins have Not Too Shabby texture, not quite to the edges to leave a frame, and set to soft light.

The bees have Canvasback texture set at soft light.

More fabulous texture work and interpretations of Three are here.

Ooops! My lizards nearly got away!

Perhaps they didn’t like Kim’s magic texture on them!

6 thoughts on “Texture Tuesday

  1. How many fabulous three shots you have! I didn’t have any time to play with textures this week–taking too many pictures, but your turned out terrific!

  2. great set of images – I love the lizards, but then I have a thing for lizards anyway – they look great in B&W

  3. WOW – you had a lot of 3 photos! Thank you for sharing. Love that you had a previous project looking for 3. Very interesting. I think I may try that in the future.

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