About Miriam Rogers

Hi, I have been married to Paul for what seems like forever & that's the way I want it to stay. We have a son, now 21 and a Greyhound who is bonkers. I play with paper and glue, I love flowers! and anything that I can hang from anywhere with ribbon. If you need me I can be found in the garden with my camera or in my craft room, come in through the gate, I'll make you a coffee or if it's after 6 you can join me in a glass or wine, or e-mail me. Housework is low on my 'to do' list.


Week 45
I’m joining Helena again for her weekly meme Snap!

Around the harbour
It was such a lovely day when we went to Mevagissey and I took a lot of pictures as you might expect but how to choose just four?

I could have chosen four of numerous fishing boats coming and going

Or four reflections in the clear water

Or rope! So much rope hanging about a busy harbour

Or fishing, there were boats returning with full loads, men and boys dangling their rods over the side, seagulls arguing over who saw it first and children fishing for a crab or two

Maybe I could post another four from here next week.

Thank you Helena

Five in Five

Sandie at Itchifingers has a lovely meme asking us to take as many pictures in five minutes as we can and post just five here

This is my collection for November.
I was at Tyntesfield to look at the dahlias, they are so beautiful even though the gardener told me they were going over. He also said that the estate has plans to double the size of the planting for next year. Maybe Sandie would allow me more than five next November?

Delicious Dahlias
Nov 4

Nov 2

Nov 1

Nov 3

Nov 5

Just to make sense of the size of the dahlia beds or just to cheat (Maggie)
There are two beds of Dahlias through this archway into the kitchen garden and two beds similar in size ‘this’ side of the archway


Thank you Sandie