Taking a Break

I’m taking the rest of August on a blogging break. Time for a bit of R&R.
I will pop by though for Alexa’s Simply a Moment on the 15th and our coffee and walk on the beach on 27th with Abi. I booked the table at the cafe on Knightstone Island for 3:00pm, hope that’s Ok for you? There is plenty of parking now that our town is littered with meters! or let me know if you want picking up from the station. 😉

Taking a break

I feel a bit like the little creature trying to pick it’s way through the tangle of Clematis seed head. My tangle is a pile of PHD’s (projects half done) and ideas for new projects….

9 thoughts on “Taking a Break

  1. Wow, that is a very stunning photo, Miriam! Hoping you enjoy a good rest and very touched you’ll be back for Simply A Moment next week :). Wishing you warm sunshine and not so many creative ideas that you can’t relax!

  2. Enjoy a well deserved break. May I say your photograph is stunning. I would love a print of it! Look forward to meeting up for Simply a Moment on the 15th.

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