Ripped and Stitched

I have just finished my Ripped and Stitched on-line class with Roben Marie.
I had such fun making this journal. I thought you might like to see it.

Journal cover

Journal pages

We ripped fabric and painted then folded envelopes to make pages. We stitched fabric strips together to make a cover for the book. We made tags with paper fabric and glue. They hold two pages and a pocket together with a magnet.
We bound and stitched the whole thing together and now it’s ready.

Journal spine 2Journal pages

Journal pages 5

Journal pages 3

“For what?” Said my husband
“I have no idea,” I said. “I will think of something and if I can’t I will ask on my blog!”

The journal is made from 13 x A4 white envelopes folded in half giving me 52 sides and 13 pockets. The covers and spine are made from heavy card.

I am happy to leave it on my shelf until an idea pops into my head; I just loved making it.
But what would you use it for?

5 thoughts on “Ripped and Stitched

  1. Ha! That sounds just like me … making something with no idea what I will use it for … looks very pretty though!

    Happy Easter Miriam!

  2. I would probably use it as the base for a journaling class. Shimelle gave away her “explore” class, and I have that one waiting to be done. It could even be fun for a week in the life or Learn Something New Everyday.

  3. This reminds me that I still have a couple of handmade books I created during a class at the museum years ago that I’ve never put to use. I think I’ll pull them out and see if inspiration strikes. This is gorgeous, and I’m sure something will come along that will be just perfect for it. (And I hope you’ll share it.)

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