Folding Pages

I have been folding book pages for a few weeks now. I have always admired book art in all its forms. A few years ago I folded every magazine that came through the door into beautiful Christmas trees! Obsessed was a word heard a few times around here then.

Here’s what Ive been up to.

The Heart of the Travelling Matchmaker
The instructions didn’t say to start in the middle of the book and count backwards and forwards! I’m going to re-do this.


Butterfly Mind


Blue Harbour


Infrequently Opened

The Cloister and the Hearth
A PHD (project half done) This book is very small and has 720 very fine pages, it reminds me of a prayer book and is called ‘The Cloister and the Hearth’ I just want to see how fine pages fold. I do a few pages when I’m waiting for something – ideas, pages to load, doctors appointment, YouTube video’s, you know the sort of thing?


It’s lots of fun and takes my mind off a health issue I have which is being investigated over the last two and next two weeks.
Obviously all will be well, I’ll keep folding, will let you know and show you the finished ‘Cloister’ – eventually!

Challenge Helena

During August Helena and I decided to make something, anything, using only crochet chain stitch. It took me most of the month to think of something!

Just for fun we are both posting our makes this morning, neither of us has seen the others piece. Here is mine.

Chain elephant
I love her! she is hanging here right beside me.

Please visit Helena to see what she came up with…how exciting!

Have you heard of Yarn Bombing? (type yarn bombing into google) I have seen some around here and around Bristol, there is even some on the end of Clevedon pier! Although I love it I couldn’t imagine knitting something big enough or going out in the night to Yarn Bomb something!
While I was looking around our local flower festival I saw a twig from a tree yarn bombed as an entry. It was fabulous and got third prize. I thought “I could do that!” as you do. I looked for something suitable while out on a walk with our visitors, who thought I had totally lost it! My family are used to me and didn’t bat an eyelid!

Yarn bomb 1

Then I crochet some more chains and yarn bombed this twig!

Yarn bomb 2

I enjoyed the process so much, it was very relaxing to knit or chain while watching a film on the iPlayer and my yarn bombed twigs make me smile each time I walk by them and of course I had happy thoughts of my blog friend whilst doing it.

Thank you for playing Helena

I Tracked Her Down

…I finally, finally tracked her down. I had almost given up ever finding my muse Nellie. It has been a long and winding dusty road but, I found her!

Here she is with a special friend (on her back) who has been keeping her company on her travels.

Nellie & bird


Any guesses where I might have found her?
Go on, you know you are humming the song already…

I have loved this project with Carla Sonheim and have another one starting very soon.

All friends happily hanging out together…


Hello Ragamuffin Friends

No, not you. This little gang

Rag Friends

And a big Hello Donkey!

At last I pinned him down or hung him up actually. In Carla Sonheim’s Rags to Stitches class we were supposed to make a pony but I made a donkey.

On hearing the name of the town I live in people (generally from the UK) say “The donkeys!” or “Oh! you have donkeys!” or “Are the donkeys still there?” as if they roam the streets! Then there are the folks that have visited our town and have seen the donkeys (not roaming the streets) “Are the donkeys still on the beach?” Yes to all of them (and we love them) and now I have one hanging around from my chandelier(!)

I struggled with the donkey. Not because I couldn’t make him but unknown to me I was coming down with a sickness bug. Try as I might, one afternoon last week I was stitching away but had not heart for it. I had to give in and went to bed complaining that “even my donkey is miserable looking”
And then, stop reading if you are of a queasy disposition, all hell broke out of me! for two days!! anyway both me and the donkey are well and happy now.
I am ready to complete the class with the making of an elephant!

Hope you have a happy, and well week. Isn’t it glorious to have sunshine? and on a Bank Holiday here in the UK.

Rags to Stitches

Day 2

Today in Carla Sonheim’s sewing class I made a ragamuffin owl, what a hoot! (sorry)

I found the simple stitching theraputic and calming. It was such a treat to work without a pattern, to pick up whichever piece of scrap I liked the look of, no owl police were about today.

Owl face

Rag owl

While I hand stitched today I listened to Neil Diamond on the iPlayer. I knew all the words to all the songs! and yes I sang along. It’s a good thing no one was listening.

Tomorrow we are making a donkey.