Folding Pages

I have been folding book pages for a few weeks now. I have always admired book art in all its forms. A few years ago I folded every magazine that came through the door into beautiful Christmas trees! Obsessed was a word heard a few times around here then.

Here’s what Ive been up to.

The Heart of the Travelling Matchmaker
The instructions didn’t say to start in the middle of the book and count backwards and forwards! I’m going to re-do this.


Butterfly Mind


Blue Harbour


Infrequently Opened

The Cloister and the Hearth
A PHD (project half done) This book is very small and has 720 very fine pages, it reminds me of a prayer book and is called ‘The Cloister and the Hearth’ I just want to see how fine pages fold. I do a few pages when I’m waiting for something – ideas, pages to load, doctors appointment, YouTube video’s, you know the sort of thing?


It’s lots of fun and takes my mind off a health issue I have which is being investigated over the last two and next two weeks.
Obviously all will be well, I’ll keep folding, will let you know and show you the finished ‘Cloister’ – eventually!

11 thoughts on “Folding Pages

  1. Miriam, ever since you mentioned the paper-folding, I have been looking forward to this post! Your creations are just amazing … My heart fluttered at the Blue Harbour, of course 🙂 – but I love the Butterfly Mind too … I can see how this is an art that can be done in little pockets of time (right up my street), and I will be thinking of you especially over the next few weeks while these medical investigations are happening. Sending warmest good wishes your way …

  2. I find these book sculptures fascinating. They kind of mess with my mind because I think they’re beautiful, but I have to get past the actual act of folding pages up lol I think magazine folding sounds like the perfect compromise. Keep folding!

    I’ll be thinking about you over the next couple of weeks

  3. These are truly works of art! I love the butterflies, but Blue Harbor is my favorite! Stunning! I don’t think I’d ever have the patience for this, but I’ll going to show these to a friend of mine who loves to make things like this.

  4. oh wow they look fabulous and totally addictive. Where might someone dip a toe in the water? Hope all is well, virtual hugs beaming your way

  5. Oh, Miriam, these are amazing!! I love them all, but I think Blue Harbour is my favourite.
    Sorry to hear you’ve been having health issues. I’ll be thinking about you.

  6. Fascinating, I have heard about paper folding but haven’t seen it. Very impressive. Sorry to hear about your health issues, I will be thinking about you.

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