I was reading Sian’s blog post about the sketch challenge on the Scrap 365 blog.
The sketch is of a classic house, complete with windows and a fence.
It reminded me of a page I did in 2007. I thought you might like to see it.
It was a 12 x 12 double page spread and was part of a memory book my 3 sisters-in-law and I made for their fathers (my father-in-law) 80th birthday.
The finished book was fabulous with such a variety of pages and ideas from lots of the family.
Anyway this was one of the pages I did.
Since I took the picture I changed the plain red roof paper to a tiled paper I found.
Behind the front door is my in laws wedding photo.
At the time I didn’t blog and didn’t appreciate the importance of photographing the pages!
One day I will borrow the book and photograph it properly.
The house has four windows for their four children and nets at the window because ‘that’s as it should be’ my MIL told me once.
Number 37 is their house number.
The tree eventually had 6 grandchildren’s faces on. It was difficult and time consuming to get pictures from people, no digital camera and internet access to send them to me!
Behind the curtains, pictures of four children when they were very young and a story about each of them that I had coaxed out of MIL. (She didn’t know we were making the book).
And behind the photos were more photos of wedding days and snippets of stories of their children.
My parents in law were thrilled with the book which had pages recording so many aspects of his life, work and family.
It was a lovely thing to work on with the sisters-in-law. And because we all live away from each other no-one but me had seen the finished book until the day before we presented it. Good memories.
I wonder what you think of the pages now? scrapbooking has moved on a pace since I started.
I think it’s gorgeous! Scrapbooking moving on? I’m thinking it has and it hasn’t…the reasons why will never change even if the way we achieve it does. And the pages we make today aren’t going to look any more modern than the ones we made five years ago, in another five years time. It’s the idea of scrapbooking I adore and I’ll enjoy it any way it looks..and this looks very good to me 🙂
Love the way the windows open up to reveal photos and journaling. No wonder they were thrilled to get this album!
What a great take on Sian’s prompt. I love houses and it’s always interesting to see what others do with them.
No wonder they were thrilled with the book….you made a great job with these pages!
Alison xx