My Last 3 Months in Numbers

Thanks to Julie Kirk at Notes on Paper for this meme which has become part of my memory keeping.
Memory is very strange don’t you think?
I keep a list of numbers as I go through the month.
I look through my photos to remind me of what was happening and add stuff to the list.
I even choose a photo to print my list on.
And then I forget to post it!

February 2013

MiN Feb

January 2013


…and December 2012

MiN December
Christmas seems forever ago doesn’t it?

Here’s a strange question, one that I frequently had to ask people when I worked. What do you forget?

8 thoughts on “My Last 3 Months in Numbers

  1. a lovley way to present your numerical summaries. FEb sounds fabulous – 7 bouquets and a day with a professional photographer

    I forget authors names even though I read a lot – frustrating when at the library looking for the next in a series or trilogy

  2. I love how you’re presenting these 🙂 And this sounds like a poor joke, but it’s honestly true – I know I do forget things, but I can’t actually remember what right now!!

  3. Hi Miriam.

    The fact that you find this format useful / creative enough to be documenting your days – even if you don’t share them – makes me really happy! I’m always smiling at how people adapted the idea to their own lives and I love your format of using the photo as a base.

    Many, many happy [belated] birthday wishes to you and may retirement bring you everything you hoped it would.

    You’re on the board now:

    Have a great new month and new start!

    Julie 🙂

  4. Numbers, funnily enough – I can’t remember numbers at all.

    It’s nice to have a little reminder of Christmas with your lovely page

  5. I love the way you present this. I’d love to borrow the idea so I can include my month in numbers into my Project Life monthly layout!

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