30 Days of Thankful

Here are the last seven days of my project which I have to say I really enjoyed doing. I love keeping a daily diary, I have since I was young but it seems so much easier for me when there is a theme. I just have to decide how to put the pages together now. I have no doubt when I have caught up with you all I will be inspired.

Thank you all so much for your lovely comments over the last few days, and well done for sticking with it!

Goodness me, how cold it was here today. I hope those of you on this side of the world are keeping warm, and those ‘down under’ are enjoying some beautiful sunshine.

3 thoughts on “30 Days of Thankful

  1. This has turned out beautifully, and like the Christmas Journal will be a wonderful remembrance of November 2012. Next year I think I will take a more journalistic approach to it. I’ve very much enjoyed reading yours. Thanks, too, for the lovely email!

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