My Month in Numbers

I am linking up with Julie Kirk again this month with her wonderful meme which records a month in numbers. I think this is a great way to recall some of the events of the last month. Julie puts our months on her pinterest board, a great place to see what others have recorded during the month

This card looks so much better printed out I’m not sure why, but here is what I recorded this month

3 Craft events 2 evenings and 1 day
129 Candles bought OK some of them were tea lights but they still count
2 Christmas decorations bought (I’m only supposed to buy one but as its my own rule I broke it)
1 visit to the hairdresser
1 visit to the dentist
1 visit to the hospital
1 visit to my nail technician
10 Nails looking like Lavender Nights Oh so sparkly!
8 Emergency service vehicles outside my door on 5th (nothing to do with me!)
10 the maximum number we could turn our music up to try to distract the dog from the fireworks
100’s of tears cried because Downton has finished
1 decision made not to make Christmas cards this year.
6 fabric trees made, only little but they took ages!
Some foody numbers thanks to Sian’s October numbers
New Meals cooked in November
1 Nigelissima Beef with tomatoes and in a marinade I made this twice
1 Hairy Dieters Paella
1 My own Chicken & fresh pesto with rice & green beans I made this twice!
I was counting mince pies eaten and pints of skinny milk bought but I was too shocked by the numbers getting larger and larger

It is the most beautiful morning here, sunshine & blue skies, ok it’s freezing but it looks fabulous. Hope your day is good.

3 thoughts on “My Month in Numbers

  1. fabulous nails and I understand about mince pies – I love them and would be too scared to count the number I consume in December

  2. It’s a great way to recap your month, and one I may adopt next year. I LOVE that sparkly nail polish, but I’m afraid it wouldn’t last long on my nails!

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