30 Days of Thankful

I am joining Cathy Zielske with her ’30 Days of Thankful’ throughout November.

I decided to use Cathy’s template for this, not only because it is lovely but she has done all the work, and because November is always a very busy time at work. The month brings the annual nonsense of getting it done ‘before Christmas’ As if everyone is going to be working over the Christmas weekend working on what I have done ‘before Christmas’ Aaargh, my annual grizzle starts here….sorry.

I am loving putting this project together and find it restful to think about my day and what I am feeling positive about when I have finished work and cleared away our evening meal. For me November is a great time to be working on a thankful project. The month brings Remembrance weekend, a time of reflection. My dear friends birthday month, it is 6 years since she passed away. Christmas preparations begin and that always puts me in a reflective mood.

Here are my first weeks Thankful pages.

8 thoughts on “30 Days of Thankful

  1. Great pages – I love the range of things you included and how specific to the day many are. Love your armchair it looks so inviting

  2. Lots to think about here today. The one about the car really spoke to me – our supermarket is on the top of a hill and I often see folk carrying their shopping and think about the days as a student when I walked there with a rucksack on my back

  3. I’m catching up on some blog reading today, and your last three posts are simply wonderful—the photography, the writing, the projects. I love your gratitude journal!

  4. A wonderful variety of thankful thoughts. I’m finding this such an encouraging project – it’s helping me to see the many positives each day brings, but it’s also inspiring to see other people’s thankful thoughts. Thanks for sharing yours x

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