My Month in Numbers

I’m joining Julie Kirk again with my October in numbers

1 the number of new books I ordered
31 the number of pictures I had printed to finish my LSNED project
4 the number of days Lotta came to stay
3 the number of extra days she decided to stay
4 the number of extra extra days she stayed!
That equals 11 Lotta days this time!
27 the number of cobwebs I counted in the garden yesterday
31 the number of days I took a picture of the sky
1 the number of new books delivered!
3 the number of DVD’s I ordered
1 the number of fabulously carved pumpkins in the house
1 the number of dolphins I saw in the sky

Julie has a pinterest page for our monthly numbers, take a look here

Thank you Julie for hosting this great meme.

13 thoughts on “My Month in Numbers

  1. The colour choices in your altered photograph are wonderful. I like the sharpness of the roof lines against the soft pink.
    There do seem to have been a lot of spiders this Autumn. I dare not count the numbers of webs inside my house!

  2. Amazing looking colours!

    I think I might have more spiders inside than out too – I went looking for a lovely rain drop covered web to photograph and I couldn’t find one, then I came back in and found a few dusty ones instead

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