Story Telling Sunday

A loaf of bread, two boys and two pence

In the supermaket last night my husband was searching looking for bread among the empty shelves when he heard
“Hey Mister”
He looked around and there were two boys clutching a bottle of milk and a loaf of bread.
“Hey Mister, Mum sent us for bread and milk but they haven’t got our usual bread and this one costs more and we are short of two pence, could you give us two pence please”

There was no need to ask whether he gave them the coins, I know him so well.

I am so thankful for the means to buy beautiful bread.

A very short story from me this week but I have been so touched by this on so many levels, I decided to share it with you.

Sian’s Story Telling Sunday, a perfect read.

28 thoughts on “Story Telling Sunday

  1. Aww that’s sweet – how brave of the boys to ask (your husband must look approachable) and clever of them to do the maths before the embarrassment at the till.

  2. I love short and sweet! It works perfectly for me; and I especially love the immediacy of this one too Miriam. Sometimes recording something as soon as you can really adds a special poignancy and meaning, doesn’t it?

    Thanks for this one!

  3. A lovely story, Miriam. It’s sweet that the boys knew who to approach – they must have sensed that your husband is a kind soul.

    I have just noticed that you have your beautiful iris folded butterfly as your avatar. I went back to see your original post and hadn’t realized that there was a full photo of it. I clicked on the spot where the photo was collasped and up came this gorgeous creation! I’m so sorry I hadn’t fully appreciated it before, but what a very lovely surprise to see it today!

  4. Like everyone has said – this is really moving. I think the most touching thing is they only asked for exactly what they needed. Nothing more.

    A story well worth telling. Thank you.

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