Word to Live By Days 7 & 8

Big Picture Class ran their Big Idea Festival, Words to Live By for twelve days during August. Every day there was a word, and a challenge to make a project page or LO about.
I have day Seven and Eight to share with you.

Day Seven was Cherish

This is my family Oh so long ago. The photo was taken in Southern Ireland on one of our many visits there as children. The little girl is me of course with my mother and her mother, and four of ‘the boys’.

Day Eight was Live

This is my photo of Sand bay with Kim Klassen’s textures on.

I put this post together in September and scheduled it for today, 28th October. I have just realised it would have been my mothers birthday today, how spooky is that.

As each year goes by and my life changes this way and that I miss my mother more and more. The pain is less of course, it has been seven years since she passed away but the missing is more.

3 thoughts on “Word to Live By Days 7 & 8

  1. Thinking of you, Miriam – and a sweet tribute to your Mum. I really like that Swedish proverb too! Your flowers and texture at the bottom are softly beautiful. 🙂

  2. This is beautifully, beautifully done. I’m sorry I didn’t have time to visit yesterday, but I hope you were able to spend time with many happy memories xx

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