Dublin 2011 A day in the Mountains

I had a few days in Dublin with two of my brothers. I have made them a book each of the pictures we took and wrote some captions on some of the pictures which I hope will make them smile. I am waiting for the books to arrive in the post!
I made two LO’s inspired by Amy

On Thursday we headed into the Wicklow mountains, somewhere I remember from childhood holidays with mum & dad. The day started with very fine drizzle, the sort that makes your hair curly! As we climbed higher into he mountains we ascended up into the clouds! We drove for so many miles and passed no-one, It was just what we needed. No screaming’s kids for Alan, no phone and no paperwork for me and no gas for Martin. Had we arrived in heaven?
We stopped at the first sight of a Lough and got out of the car to breathe in the peaty perfume that filled the air. A perfect place, just as I had remembered and not appreciated at all when I was a girl. I made up for it today.

Amy’s Lo

5 thoughts on “Dublin 2011 A day in the Mountains

  1. Super gorgeous Miriam! That is one of my favourite templates to use, it just seems to sit right and you have done a lovely job capturing a beautiful story and lovely photos.

  2. Beautiful shots Miriam. I love mountain scenery full stop, some of my most favourite places have been amongst the mountains. I’ve only visited Southern Ireland (apart from Dublin city) once but I absolutely adored the rugged terrain.

    Love how you’ve put your shots together x

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